This Move Minute is all about improving your vestibular balance skills. Considering that one in three adults over 65 falls each year, and falling is one of the leading causes of death or disability for older populations, balancing is a hugely important movement and life skill to work on.

The Balance Challenge
The goal is 10 minutes per day for 30 days balancing on a 2×4, balance bar, slackline, or other balance tools (variety is your friend). If you’re up for it, film it, and share it. I’d love to see and hear about your progress.
The Art of Balance to Prevent Falling Injuries
You will need:
A seven-foot 2×4 (or other balance tool)
To begin:
In order to cultivate this skill adequately, balancing needs to be practiced every day. Because of this, it is important to keep a 2×4, or another balance tool, in a main room or hallway. If it is placed behind a couch or out of sight, the chances are high it will collect dust and not get used. Keeping it out in the open increases the opportunity to engage and play.
Go slow. You want to find where balance is most challenged. Speed and momentum can cover this up. You want to go so slowly that you feel unbalanced… this may feel frustrating, but it is a good place to be. This is where your nervous system is learning. The slower the better. Keep at it and it will improve.
Drop your arms and focus on your breath. When you feel unstable, soften your knees, breathe fully, and allow your arms to fall to your side.
Take off your shoes. Another added benefit of balance work, it is a great way to strengthen the intrinsic musculature of the feet.
One thing I love about the balancing on a 2×4 is that it mimics our natural environment. As you get better at balancing, you can start seeking balance play in your everyday life. I love balancing on tree roots, curbs, sidewalk cracks, railings, fallen trees, and so much more. Give it a go and let me know how it feels.
About Move Minute:
Move Minute is our way of helping the world get up and moving. Each video will teach you at least one technique to help preserve mobility in just one minute. In many cases, these movements can be done anywhere and performed in seconds. With Move Minute, you can learn how to maintain your ability to move for the rest of your life in just a minute or two a day.