Knee Surgery Rehab – 12-Weeks post op – Movement Restoration Class

This class was written for a client who is 12 weeks out from knee surgery and has been cleared from PT. She can do full range squats and split squats without pain, although, there is a noticeable imbalance (potential instability) between the surgery and non-surgery knees.

This video is a resource for Patreon subscribers who are working directly with TAOFit to help them recover from knee pain and/or injury. The class is recommended for anyone who can perform squats and split squats without instability or pain. Give it a go and let us know how you feel.

Please consult a physician or contact Jesse James directly prior to following this video.

If you are dealing with rehab for knee surgery, or any other injury or pain (read the Rules of Pain here), please schedule a free consultation with Jesse James prior to following any of these videos.

The focus of the class is on building the functional relationships between the foot, knee, hip, and spine through get-up variations. Not only are these movements fantastic for maintaining foot, hip, and spinal mobility, they are also incredibly practical. The ability to get up and down from the floor, in a variety of ways, improves long-term quality of life outcomes.

Rhetorical Thought Experiment:
How important will the ability to get up and down from the floor in a variety of ways feel when you are 90?

One of the benefits of receiving an online consultation with TAOFit is that you get a Movement Restoration class programmed specifically for you, and potentially anyone who may be working out similar movement problems. The bonus is that it will be posted on Youtube for future reference.

Click here to schedule a free online consultation